Jacob Hutchins and Jack Voight are both two young conservationists and stewards for the Outer Banks. Jacob collected donations for N.E.S.T. (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) in lieu of birthday presents, and Jack collected for Surfing for Autism, which recently took place on Saturday, August 23, 2014. Both kids show that it doesn’t matter how young (or old) you are, you all can make a difference in your community! Thank you boys!!
Ava Wehrs, Age 7, this was her 4th birthday collecting items for a group. She got lots of latex gloves, trash bags, detergent and bleach to use in the new STAR Center at the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island. The last two years she collected for the local humane society and prior to that the food bank. Ava is in 2nd grade and hopes to become a vet. She hopes more kids will do this type of birthday where they can help others–so impressive, thank you Ava!

Quinn Moynihan happily hands off all of his birthday donations to volunteers Elaine and Kenny Lubosch!
Most recently, Quinn Moynihan, who just turned 4, wanted to help the sea turtles for his birthday–so, that is exactly what this handsome young man did! He collected lots of donations for N.E.S.T. that can be used in the STAR Center located at the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island. He collected laundry detergent, latex gloves, trash bags, and much more, and then donated money out of his own piggy bank! He presented all of his treasures to N.E.S.T. volunteers Elaine and Kenny Lubosch at Nest #7 in Kitty Hawk on Saturday, September 6. We were all hoping he would get the chance to see some baby loggerheads that evening, but those little ones decided to come out the next night :-(. This just means Quinn has to come back and visit us on the beach!! Thanks Quinn for sharing your generous spirit with all of us and keep up the great work!!!