2/12/12 CM-FGW-12-02-12-01 Green sea turtle “Frankie” 9.1 lbs.
Frankie, named in honor of Frank Welles who found him/her inshore on Sandy Bay on Hatteras Is. Lou Browning of Hatteras Island Wildlife Refuge found Frankie’s body temperature to be 44 degrees. A water temperature of 50 degrees is considered the lowest healthy temperature for sea turtles. Lower tempertures can cause organ damage. We will have to wait to evaluate any organ damage if it exists. Frankie also had a heavy load of barnacles, so heavy that his lungs could not be xrayed thru his carapace (shell). Upon arrival in Rehab the barnacles blocking the lung xray were removed. 2/15/12 the xray was performed, showing slight conjestion in the right lung. Frankie has not been eating so he has been force fed. As of 2/20/12 he has started defecating, which is positive. Encouraging these turtles to eat is a major part of the Rehab volunteers’ work.
2/13/12 LK-LLB-12-02-13-01 Kemp’s ridley “Stevie” 17.49 lb.
Stevie, named for artists/musicians who overcame great adversaties, was found by Lou Browning of Hatteras Island Wildlife Refuge east of the Frisco Pier on Hatteras. This beautiful Kemp’s had suffered damage to both eyes from birds and a tear on the back of the neck and front of the left shoulder. She has no globe in the left socket. Today the swelling had decrease enough in the right eyelids to allow examination. Sadly, she is blind in the right eye also. Permission has been granted to euthanize her this afternoon.
2/13/12 CM-FGW-12-02-13-01 Green Turtle “Fanny” 28.4 lb
Fannie was found in Sandy Bay on Hatteras by Frank Welles. She was heavily covered with barnacles and suffering from low blood sugar. After receiving glucose and fluids, Fannie was transported to Rehab. With a lot of patience from the Rehab volunteers, she is starting to eat.