The busy rehab season is upon us! Charlie, Vortex, and Augie are still recuperating with us and now have 6 new patients to share the rehab.

Buoy swimming. Photo by NC Aquariums.
Buoy – LK-KLC-130928-01
Weighing in at 3.6 pounds, Buoy (a Kemp’s ridley) stranded in Currituck at the end of September. With some floating issues and lung congestion is currently undergoing antibiotic therapy. An active swimmer and eager eater, its hard to find him still long enough to snap a photo!

"Cappy" checking out Aquarius on the other side of the barrier. Photo by NC Aquariums.
Capricornus – CM-RXP-131029-01
“Cappy” for short, this 5.1 lb green turtle begins our naming category of celestial beings. This winter you’ll see constellations, stars, and other universal names. Capricornus was an incidental capture that came to us on October 29 for a round of antibiotics. Once the meds are completed and Cappy gets a final veterinary exam we’ll set up a release.

Phoenix on arrival. Photo by NC Aquariums.
Phoenix – LK-JXY-131109-01
Another Kemp’s ridley, Phoenix stranded on Hatteras Island on November 9 and weighs in at 4.3 pounds. A bit lethargic and thin, we’ll be offering lots of good meals and warm water for this little turtle.

This barnacle was removed shortly after arrival. Photo by NC Aquarium.
Aquarius – CM-LLB-131108-01
Stranded on Ocracoke on Nov 8, the 5.1 pound Aquarius arrived sporting a barnacle top hat. Already swimming and eating well, we hope this green turtle will be able to head back to the wild soon.

Leo napping on arrival. Photo by NC Aquarium.
Leo Minor – CM-JNW-131113-01
Another cold-stunned green turtle from the Pamlico Sound near Ocracoke, Leo has been treated for low blood glucose values as we wait for further lab work. The 4.3 pound Leo swam and ate today, so things are looking up!

Austrinus taking a rest. Photo by NC Aquariums.
Austrinus – CM-FGW-131114-01
Cold-stunned in Frisco, Austrinus is a 9 pound green sea turtle. Some labwork is still pending, and until other treatments are prescribed this patients is receiving slow warming, swim tests, and frequently offered food.