We got a phone call from the NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island this morning to let us know that a young lady attending their Junior Aquatics Adventures Summer Camp wanted to make a donation to N.E.ST.

Miss Tabor and John Cece, N.E.S.T. President
Our President arranged a meeting with aquarium staff who introduced him to Miss Tabor from Richmond, VA. The very well-spoken Miss Tabor told Mr. Cece that she had decided to open a lemonade stand while visiting Kill Devil Hills this summer specifically to raise funds for N.E.S.T. Her stand wasn’t open just once, or even twice, but on FIVE separate occasions. This enterprising young lady’s amazing efforts resulted in her raising $168.30 for N.E.S.T. !! So please join N.E.S.T. in thanking Miss Tabor for all of her time and effort to help us protect our local sea turtles.

Miss Tabor and John enjoy the sea turtles at the STAR Center (Sea Turtle Assistance and Rescue Center) at the Aquarium on Roanoke Island