Thanks to a mix of volunteers and friends in eleven states, we have reached our goal of raising $8,000 for the purchase of ATVs. From May 1st to September 1st of each year, a team of forty-five N.E.S.T. volunteers daily patrol fifty miles of beach (one hundred miles round trip) between South Nags Head and the Virginia border looking for turtle crawls and nests. We are the only volunteer group on the entire East Coast that has this much area to cover. ATV drivers are also frequently stopped by beach goers to answer questions about sea turtles and the patrols.
This activity is only possible with good, safe equipment. Thank you to all!
Just off the truck!
A new ATV has arrived and is being readied to hit the beach. Much thanks to our friends at Turner’s Honda for the quick delivery. Thanks also to Turner for their generous contribution of advice, reasonable repair costs, and free delivery and pickup. Jay Cuthrell looks pretty good on this machine. We might just give him a helmet and send him out to nest patrol!!