Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

LK-KLC-12-09-24-01   “Fernando”  10.56 lbs
This beautiful little 10.56 lb. Kemp’s ridley was found stranded on the ocean side in Carova this morning. Betty Lane picked him up in Carova and drove him to Water’s Edge Village School, a one-room school house that re-opened this year as a charter school.  Betty was met by KC (Karen Clark, Program Coordinator for Outer Banks Center for Wildlife Education in Corolla). This little Kemp’s has become an unofficial educator due to amazing circumstance. The schoolhouse in Corolla, where everyone involved in this Kemp’s transfer met and worked toward a common goal, provides schooling for 15 kids who no longer have to ride the bus for 3 hours a day to attend classes! The kids helped fill out the required Stranding Form while the Kemp’s was transferred from one vehicle to the other. KC then carried our little sea turtle to Roanoke Island for his initial checkup at Roanoke Island Animal Clinic. He was given fluids by Dr. Mary Burkhart:

X-rays showed lung conjestion and Fernando was started on antibiotics today.

At this point I must tell you that the kids from the one-room school named this small Kemp’s after the explorer they are currently studying, Fernando. Now, I’m an ABBA fan, which means Fernando has his own song. Take a listen and dance for him..maybe with him!

After his checkup at RIAC, Fernando was transferred to N.E.S.T. Rehab. More in a day or 2 with photos of his new life in Rehab!