It was a beautiful May day, sunny, temp in the 70’s, light breeze off the ocean. The 2 2010 Dare County Master Gardener’s Garden Festival kicked off at 9 AM on Saturday, May 15. Thanks to an entry fee donation by NESTer Kaye Lyerly, who is also a Dare Master Gardener, N.E.S.T. had a nice corner booth in the shade. For the next several hours, we educated community members and visitors about turtle anatomy, nesting habits, and conservation efforts. We also received donations and sold tees and hats, putting enough money in the bank to cover several turtle intakes for the Rehab Center. Our fundraising efforts are off to a good start!

Thanks to Wendy Chirico, Kathy Fitz, Sophie Jordan, Sue Kelly, Peggy Kempf, Tricia Kerns, Gin O’Neill, George & Chris Pruitt, and Marilyn Seal for their efforts. Community events provide great opportunities for us to share conservation ideas with our local community, educate visitors about how they can help through keeping the beaches clean and safe, and network with other local groups. Nesters who know about possible venues for N.E.S.T. presence are encouraged to contact either Marilyn Seal, Chair of the Education Committee ( or Chris Pruitt, Treasurer (