Might be robins in your yard, or buds on the trees, or even that yellow pollen showing up on the hood of your car. But, the surest sign of spring is the NEST ATV Maintenance team hard at work getting the ATVs ready to hit the beach.
Dennis Pohl, Jim Bailey, Jim Kranda (even with one arm in a sling) George Pruitt & Peggy Cathey (NEST ATV Coordinator) made a day of it this past Tuesday, standing all of the machines on end, pressure washing the undersides, spraying on a protective coating to, hopefully, help retard the rust & putting the boxes back on the racks. There is still work to do, but two are ready to hit the beach for the upcoming training sessions & the others will be ready soon. As Dennis would say “zoom, zoom”. I know we’re all ready for spring!
P.S. As you can see by some of the pictures, fighting rust on these machines is an every day battle. We are currently fundraising for the purchase of 2 new machines for replacement. For more information, please visit our webpage at Thank you!