Southern Shores has clearly been rigging the nesting lottery! Nests #14, #15 and #16 have all popped up in the past week!!
NEST #14 – 2014-08-04, 6:30 am

The Nest #14 team prepares for the dig!
That Lucky Ducky Johnny! On August 8th Johnny Springfield awoke to a rainy Monday morning so he put his camera away… not knowing he was in for the ride of his life! He began his Southern Shores ATV run and discovered a nice looking crawl! The team arrived and found the eggs in Nest #14 with no problem! One egg was collected for DNA and the temperature data logger was placed inside the nest. The other half of the Barbara/Johnny Springfield team was all smiles when he continued his ATV run in search of another nest, not realizing that he was minutes away from discovering….
NEST #15 2014-08-04 7:00 AM

Johnny Springfield, man of the hour, discovered 2 crawls WITHIN an hour!
Johnny wiped the rain from his eyes when he saw his SECOND crawl ofthe day! Finally his loooooonnnnnnnnng drought was over!
The response team arrived to a beautiful crawl, but a cloudy and drizzley site with Johnny providing enough sunshine with his smile to brighten up everyone’s day. The quack team of Jackie O, team Sarah/Jim, team Shelley/Ray, team Rick/Mary Ann began to dig and dig and dig (did I say dig?)
Could it be … looks like … NO IT’S NOT.

The NEST team playing in the sand...with no luck. Looks like we're going to need a ladder to get out of this one!
After the response team had dug a hole big enough to start house construction, the Southern Shores building inspector showed up and said that if we continued digging a building permit was required. Jane wisely called a halt to the dig.
Since the crawl was so convincing, the area was marked off just in case. These turtles know how to hide their stuff! Even though no eggs were found, Nest #15 has officially been declared!
Nest #16 – 2014.08.09
IT’S OFFICIAL … nest number 16 in Southern Shores.

NESTers preparing to relocate the eggs!
KC has waved her magic wand and declared the former nest 0 found by Johnny as officially nest 15, ergo today’s nest is officially nest 16. Those rumors that the former nest 0 now named nest 15 eggs were not found just so everyone would not have to call Johnny “Two Nest Johnny” are not true although Two Nest Al of the Nags Head Dream Team is reported to have made offers as high as 50.00 each to NOT find the eggs.
Kent was certainly all smiles since there was a trade between he and Jackie O today for today’s ATV run. The “awwwwwww sorry” towel is being made ready by Louie. World famous magic fingers Jim again found the eggs in less than five minutes. KC approved the relocation of the eggs and out came the egg cartons for the relocation.

105 healthy, relocated eggs!
105 eggs, the exact number predicted by a certain member of the team were relocated. The data logger was put in the nest and 15 eggs put on top and around it. Two Nest Johnny, Barbara, Louie, Holly, Dennis S., Sarah and Magic fingers Jim all made KC proud at remembering much more than the 10 percent retention asked by her at training.
The orientation strings, bobber and stakes were carefully put in place and with the data sheet in tow all were smiles … the thoughts of another successful nest made up for all the traffic encountered by the nest response
team from the folks heading up to town Ducky and beyond.

All smiles from Nest #16!!!