Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

To adopt Nest #36, click here.

Jerry Alexander savors the moment.

Jerry Alexander savors the moment.

Sea turtle nest #36 was discovered this a.m. by Nags Head dream team ATV driver Jerry Alexander.  The NEST response team arrived shortly after the call was put out by NC Wildlife Resource Commission Karen Clark (KC).

The loggerhead nest pit.

The loggerhead nest pit.

Frances surveyed the area and decided where the nest eggs should be. She discovered the eggs in less than five minutes. 

The loggerhead eggs

The loggerhead eggs

Frances with the DNA egg.

Frances with the DNA egg.

The response TEAM marking off the nest site.

The response TEAM marking off the nest site.



The response acted quickly and the site was secured in less than 25 minutes. GO team GO, home that is to await another sea turtle nest call soon.

Nest #36 response team photo.

Nest #36 response team photo.