The following are random thoughts which were sent to all the NESTers at Nest 3 in an email: South Nags Head on the 16th and final day of nest sitting which began August 13, 2013:
Greetings All,
I just submitted the emergence and excavation report to the website and I am finding this FINAL email on nest 3 a bit difficult to compose and many of you know just why that is, but here goes…
KC (Karen Clark) and I talked this afternoon and after talking to Matthew, she gave us permission to excavate nest 3 (thanks for your confidence in us to do that KC) and we discussed different options on the excavation. It was decided that we would remove the sand to the first eggs and then open two of them to determine what stage of development. If they were developed and showed signs of life we would cover the nest back up. If there was no or little development we would remove all the eggs and look for signs of live turtles out of the eggs or pipped eggs.
There were somber faces at the nest when it was related to be prepared for unwelcome results. After a final stethoscope listening Dr. Margaret noted no sounds from the nest that she could detect. The few visitors were told what was going to happen and what possible results may occur and it was strongly suggested that any children not be attendance.
The sand was removed until eggs were in view and Two Nest Al was kind enough to volunteer to open one of the eggs. Our worst fears became reality when we observed no development of the two eggs opened. All who wanted removed the remaining eggs and began putting the intact eggs in the bucket. Ever steady Kaye making a count. When the eggs were all removed Memaw suggested that we open an egg that was at the bottom. There were audible gasps when Al reviewed a partial developed egg which was alive, but was only early stage developed. A call was put in to KC for guidance and her assessment was that although partially developed, chances were great that the little logger would not reach hatch and if that happened would not survive because of abnormal outside or inside defects.
Count: 133 undeveloped eggs not including the one taken for DNA
12 shells over 50 percent
1 stage 2 early development
Total count: 146
As best as possible and feeling totally inadequate for the right words I tried to relate the fact of the rest of the eggs was more than likely not going to develop. We put the remaining eggs back in the nest and covered nest 3 with sand. The broken eggs and undeveloped eggs were properly buried and all began breaking down the rope and PVC pipe and we all started on our separate ways.
The drive back hope was a bit quiet and thoughts turned to the many positive things that happened at nest 3. We did have 12 little loggers emerge and that was a good thing. We educated countless visitors about sea turtles and that was a good thing. All the nesters got to know each other better and that was a good thing. New and seasoned nesters all had the opportunity and did learn more about sea turtles and that was a good thing. All the nesters worked as a team to provide the best possible situation for nest 3 and that was a good thing. Doc Margaret tried something different to help detect movement at the nest and that was a good thing. With Day 16’s final report you will not be subject to my drivel and that is a good thing. We all got to see and pet Gail’s new dog and that is a bad thing because now wonderful wife thinks she want a new puppy.
I am going to try and list all the terrific nesters of nest 3 (in no particular order) and hope that I do not miss anyone. I am thrilled at the experience, education, dedication and patience exhibited by every one of you. As I have mentioned before that the best way to gain success in any venture is surround yourself with smart people and smart people you are.
Many thanks and gratitude goes to:
Two Nest Al, Kathy, M (aka Marilyn), Kaye, Memaw (aka the Suz W), Susan T, Doc Margaret, Jim, Gail, Steph and Jr nester son (Jack), Alan, Mel, Ila, Jennette, Michelle and her 3 Jr nester sons, (Mason, Riley & Camden), Val, Amanda, Ray, Pirate Emily1, Emily2, Shaun, Chris, George, Teresa (with no h)
And last, but certainly not least KC (Karen Clark)
I sure hope I didn’t leave anyone out. I am expecting I will see and hear the names of all those terrific people listed above again. It isn’t goodbye folks, it is until we meet again … at a sea turtle nest!