Joel Newton (left) of Southern Shores Civic Association and NEST volunteers Jim Dilley and Dennis Pohl put many hours installing NEST signs. (Note: Dennis was the photographer on this pic)
Joel Newton of the Southern Shores Civic Association and N.E.S.T. volunteers Jim Dilley and Dennis Pohl were recently spotted installing some new signs in Southern Shores for Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.). A new beach access sign project by N.E.S.T. to place signs at beach accesses where there are current nests began last year in the Town of Southern Shores under the direction of Marilyn Seal, Suzanne Slegal, and Peggy Cathey. After discovering that Outer Banks beach front weather doesn’t treat the signs very kindly, the committee decided another sign option was needed.

New N.E.S.T. beach signs placed in Southern Shores and Kitty Hawk will notify visitors of sea turtle nests on the beaches and ways they can help.
Volunteers Ray Griffin and Shelley Tartleton spearheaded this next chapter in the sign campaign and came up with some metal road signs that might just do the trick and inform visitors about sea turtles and ways they can help during the nesting season. With graphic assistance donated from Ad Light Signs, we feel the product really stands out and visitors will have all of the information they need to make informed decisions about going to the beach. We would like thank all of the volunteers and businesses who donated monies for this project as well other groups such as Sea Turtle Oversight Protection, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and N.E.S.T. for photo credits.