N.E.S.T. News

Fin’s Journey So Far
Almost two years ago a Kemp’s ridley named Fin became a patient at the STAR Center. Coming in from a possible boating accident, Fin has come a long way and still has a ways to go. Almost two years ago a Kemp’s ridley named Fin became a patient at the STAR Center. Coming in from a possible boating accident, Fin has come a long way and still has a ways to go. When she was found, Fin had two previous injuries in the process of healing, a propeller strike to her carapace and a chunk missing from her rear right flipper; later another injury to her left front flipper was discovered.

July Releases from the Star Center
In July, the STAR center at the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island held their second release of the summer in Nags Head! Three turtles were ready to go home: Neptune, Artemis and Otter.
Nests 16, 25, and 28 emerged!
It's been hard to keep up with all our recent activity so I am doing a batch update again. Here are some highlights and details can be found on the table below. Nests #1-16 have all emerged. Nests #18, 20, 25, and 28 have also emerged. Those in-between are anticipated...
Nest 51?? A surprise nest in Kill Devil Hills
KDH Ocean Rescue called with a report of two hatchlings coming out of Nest #29. This was a shocker for the team as Nest #29 has only been incubating for 42 days which is nearly physically impossible to produce full term hatchlings (the temperatures required to "cook"...
Nest #50 found in Kitty Hawk
We wondered if it would happen and this morning our Kitty Hawk ATV rider called and said, "I've got it! Number 50." The nesting response team arrived promptly and got to work. That part of the beach is notorious for getting washed out during storms so the nest was...