N.E.S.T. News
Do you want to know more about sea turtles?
Do you want to know more about sea turtles? Of course you do and that is why you are on this web page. There are many regional groups whose goal is to help with the survival of threatened and endangered sea turtles. NEST (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) is one of...
Ten sea turtles released at Coquina beach!
July 7, 2017 Today NEST and the North Caroline Aquarium on Roanoke Island celebrated the release of 10... yes 10! ... happy turtles back to the ocean. It was a beautiful morning on Coquina Beach and hundreds of onlookers witnessed the release. Most of these turtles...
July 4th Duck, NC parade
Each year many dedicated NESTers participate in the annual 4th of July parade celebration in Duck, NC and 2017 was no exception. NESTers were on hand to educate parade goers about the threatened and endangered sea turtles by handing out NEST brochures and information...
Outer Banks Realty Companies Walk the Walk
Sun Realty and Outer Beaches Realty walk the walk when it comes to helping to assure the survival of endangered and threatened sea turtles. For Earth Day Sun Realty and Outer Beaches Realty helped ensure the survival of threatened and endangered sea turtles on the...
Sea Turtle Nest 01 for NEST for the 2017 nesting season
NOTE: ACTIVE NEST STATUS will be posted and updated on the www.nestonline.org web site. Under the NESTS TAB click on ACTIVE NEST STATUS. On June 3, 2017 IT finally happened. Although it is relatively early in the season mama Loggerhead decided to lay her nest in the...