Our ATVs are our frontline in identifying and protecting sea turtle nests. Each summer, N.E.S.T. volunteers patrol the beach from the North Carolina Virginia line to south Nags Head looking for the distinctive marks female sea turtles leave in the sand while laying eggs. Once identified the nests and hatchlings are protected. Despite constant routine maintenance, our fleet of six ATVs is showing wear and tear from the sand and salt.

Right now two of our ATVS have only months of useful service left until they become unsafe to drive. The N.E.S.T.. Board is leading the campaign to raise $8,000 to replace the two ATVS. Look for a massive sea turtle bazaar this fall and a donation appeal letter in your mailbox in the next few weeks. Also cross your fingers that a grant will be awarded to N.E.S.T. sometime soon.
Keep an eye on the new thermometer on our homepage and see how we are doing! It will be exciting to watch it go up and up.