CC-ALF-12-06-06-01 Loggerhead 44 lb.
7/19/12 At 4 a.m. Fitzy stopped breathing and could not be resuscitated. The loggerhead had refused to eat since her return to Rehab 7/13/12, leading to being forcefed Monday (7/16) and again Wednesday (7/18/12). She was found not breathing Wednesday afternoon. Aquarist Christian Legner intubated her and was able to start her breathing. Fitzy was transported to RIAC and was breathing on her own when returned to N.E.S.T. Rehab later that day. In order to monitor her hourly over the night, Christian and Aquarist Jessica Foti spent the night. When Fitzy stopped breathing at 4 a.m., she was again intubated but efforts were unsuccessful. It is a very sad day, but we have all come away from this experience with more knowledge than before Fitzy arrived June 6.
After the necropsy is performed, we will know more about what happened and pass that information on to you.