This summer at the North Carolina Aquariums at Roanoke Island you’ll have the opportunity to save your own sea turtle in OPERATION: Sea Turtle Rescue – a fun, hands-on exhibit which simulates the steps taken to rehabilitate endangered sea turtles! These gentle creatures face many threats year-round affecting their continued survival. Countless hours are contributed by staff from the aquarium and volunteers from N.E.S.T. (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) to nurse stranded sea turtles back to health.
Visitors are encouraged to “rescue” a small turtle replica as they enter the exhibit and take it to a diagnostic station. The replica is programmed with one of six possible stories, activated when the turtle is placed on the diagnostic station. The visitor will then be prompted to perform a mock X-Ray, blood test, and physical exam, resulting in the determination of what threat has affected their turtle. At a nearby rehabilitation station a video, featuring a staff aquarist, explains to the visitor what procedures need to be taken in order to heal their turtle. Based on what they’ve learned in the video, the visitor will perform simulated treatment and place their turtle replica in a rehabilitation tank. Finally, the turtle will be returned to the “sea,” allowing the next visitor to have a similar experience.
OPERATION: Sea Turtle Rescue will help you learn what it takes to preserve one of North Carolina’s most beloved treasures!