Each year many dedicated NESTers participate in the annual 4th of July parade celebration in Duck, NC and 2017 was no exception.
NESTers were on hand to educate parade goers about the threatened and endangered sea turtles by handing out NEST brochures and information cards and asking people to visit the NEST web site https://www.nestonline.org/ to learn more about sea turtles and the NEST organization whose mission is to help the species survive.
On the NEST web site all active sea turtle nest information for the 2017 sea turtle nesting season on the Outer Banks managed by the Network for Endangered Sea Turtles can be reviewed by clicking https://www.nestonline.org/nests-hatchlings/active-nest-status/
CANDY and lots of it was given to all future NESTers. It was a fun and educational event and a good time was had by all.

Jackie also known as mama turtle and her NESTer brothers and sisters enjoying and educating and passing out candy, LOTS of candy