We hope you will join us on Sunday, April 8, for a fabulous party and fundraiser from 5 – 8 pm at Ducks Woods Country Club in Southern Shores. It’s a time to not only financially support N.E.S.T. but also to touch base with the many friends of N.E.S.T. For just a $10 donation you can enjoy a great evening of music, dancing, silent auctions, and raffles with chances to win many great prizes from local artists and beyond. A complete barbecue dinner will be available for purchase for just $13. In addition, our newly designed T shirts will be available for sale!
Your financial support is sincerely appreciated and will help us protect sea turtles right here on the Outer Banks. NEST volunteers are the front line of sea turtle protection during summer nesting season and winter cold snaps that can stun and kill sea turtles.
NEST is not publicly funded and we rely on donations to carry out our work. We greatly appreciate your support and hope we see you at Duck Woods Country Club on Sunday April 8th!

Loggerhead sea turtle hatchling makes its way out of the shell. Photo by J. Orsulak