April 22 is a day to celebrate the environment. The first Earth Day was organized in 1970 to promote the ideas of ecology, encourage respect for life on earth and highlight growing concern over pollution of the soil, air and water.
Sun Realty and Outer Beaches Realty are celebrating earth day by supporting the efforts of the Network for Endangered Sea Turtles. Thank you Sun Realty and Outer Beaches Realty!
Help Sun Realty Support the Work of N.E.S.T. This Earth Day!
The Outer Banks is one of the most beautiful areas of the world, and home to hundreds of species of marine animals. We are excited to be able to give back to an organization that helps protect and preserve sea turtles here on the Outer Banks: the Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.). In honor of Earth Day, Sun Realty will donate a portion of the proceeds from our reservations taken between April 19th and 30th, to N.E.S.T.
We still have some great deals on late spring and early summer weeks, and limited availability for peak summer. Make your family’s OBX vacation reservation today, and you can help us protect these beautiful and endangered creatures.
Click here for further details from Sun Realty
Help Outer Beaches Realty Support the Work of N.E.S.T. This Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day from Hatteras Island!
All weekend long, join us in celebrating our spectacular natural environment and wildlife.
For every reservation booked between Friday, April 21 and Sunday, April 23 for a stay between now and September, Outer Beaches will donate $22 to N.E.S.T.
Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.) is an all-volunteer nonprofit that rescues and protects sea turtles and other marine wildlife on the Outer Banks with programs like nest-sitting to help turtle hatchlings make it to the sea safely and the rescue and rehabilitation of stranded animals.
Just by booking your summer vacation, you’ll help support their important work – no promo code necessary. Join us this weekend to help protect our sea turtles!
click here for information from Outer Beaches Realty