Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

2016 sea turtle nest #2

June 1 of 2016 brings good news. Loggerhead sea turtle nest #2 has been found in Nags Head by Barry of the KH/KDH and part of Nags Head ATV route team. Barry found the nest during his early morning run and soon thereafter the sea turtle response team was hearing the...
N.E.S.T. FIRST sea turtle nest for 2016

N.E.S.T. FIRST sea turtle nest for 2016

So it begins! For the 2016 sea turtle nesting season, N.E.S.T. Loggerhead Sea turtle nest #1 was found on the beautiful beaches of Duck, N.C. on May 20 by Barbie who discovered her first sea turtle nest find while making her ATV sea turtle run. The call to the nest...
Cold Stun Sea Turtles

Cold Stun Sea Turtles

December is rapidly coming to a close and with the warm weather we have recently been having it is harder to imagine one of the greatest threats to sea turtles is cold weather. As colder temperatures arrive and the water temperature gets in the lower fifty’s (F) or...