Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

El’s Weigh In 9/27/12

CC-KRC-12-08-17-01  “EL”  140 lb El has been eating better but still not enough to increase her weight. Her weight on 9/27/12 was 122.54, a loss of 6.82 lbs during the previous two weeks. Her food consumption is increasing slowly. Loggerheads in the wild normally eat...

Hernando de Soto Update

LK-KLC-12-09-24-01  Kemp’s Ridley 10.56 lb. Hernando de Soto’s xrays revealed severe congestion in the right lung which greatly reduces the oxygen supply to all parts of the body. He received antibiotics and fluids at RIAC (Roanoke Island Animal Clinic)...

El, Sweetheart

CC-KRC-12-08-17-01  “EL”  140 lb El’s main problem is malnutrition and low PCV. Dr. Harmes* requested a fecal sample based on her being covered in parasites when she came into Rehab and the possibility of finding the reason she continues to be status...