Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

Hernando de Soto Update 10/14/12

  LK-KLC-12-09-24-01  Kemp’s Ridley  10.56 lb. 10/1/12 Hernando was force-fed 28.7 gm of shrimp by Christian Legner and Kristin Clark. Christian held his beak open with a metal instrument while Kristin inserted the shrimp carefully and far enough into the...

EL Has Weight Gain!!

CC-KRC-12-08-17-01  Loggerhead  140 lb. In order to gain weight, whether sea turtles or humans, you need to consume more on a regular basis than you would to just maintain your weight. On 9/20 a stool sample was sent to Dr. Craig Harms* to check for parasites based on...

LOU, New Loggerhead from Buxton

CC LLB 12-10-09-01   Loggerhead  154 lbs Lou, this 154 lb. loggerhead, stranded in Buxton on the sound side near Pamlico Inn 10/09/12. Seems that Lou Browning* moved this big guy across wetlands and up a 30 foot hill…not in the light of day. Christian got a call...