Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

Charlie, Mature Loggerhead Female

CC-PKD-12-11-23-01  Loggerhead Mature Female  183.6 lb. Charlie was found 1.3 miles south of Bonner Bridge, slightly emaciated and fiesty. Due to carapace length and tail length, she was recognized as a mature female. . .a rare occurrence for us to experience. As soon...

Zach’s Update from Topsail

CC-KLC-12-10-29-01  ZACH  81 lb.  transfered to Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Topsail Is., NC 11/1/12   From Jean Beasley, Director of the facility on Topsail Island: “I’m happy to tell you that Zach is doing very well.  When...

Lou and El Weigh In 11/5/12

Initially, sea turtles lose weight the first days they are in Rehab. Attempts to interest them in eating is often challenging since the foods they eat in the wild are not the same as our offerings. In addition, they are often suffering from a physical problem(s), and...