Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622
Year in review

Year in review

We’re nearing the end of our record keeping year of July, 1 2012 – June 30, 2013 and what a year it has been!  Check out the rehab stats: Since July 1, 2012, we have had 72 sea turtles admitted for rehabilitation.   The breakdown: 18 federally...


“Hernando” – aka LK-KLC-120924-01 – is making some forward motion in recovery!  After months of displaying neurological deficiencies and requiring force feeding to maintain weight, Hernando began consistently accepting food from tongs over the...

January 6-10

Greetings rehab supporters!  We’d like to introduce more of our current rehab residents.  Once again we were fortunate to be able to transfer some of our admissions to other facilities to lessen our overflow so they won’t be shown individually on the...


Now that things have slowed down a little, we’d like to introduce some of our new patients. These turtles were all found stranded on January 3-5, 2013. Please meet:   “Neptune” LK-JMG-130103-02 Kemp’s Ridley, 15.7lbs: Neptune was found...

What A Busy New Year!

We’ve had quite a busy few days around the Outer Banks!  Sound water temperatures have fallen below 11 degrees Celcius (about 52 degrees F).  This is a critical temperature below which we see an increase in cold-stunned sea turtles.  Check out our new patients!...