by Carolyn.Leopard | Nov 8, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
CC-CLL-11-11-06-01 11-6-11 a stranded loggerhead was found on the beach in Corova by Rick Romano and transported to RIAC. The turtle’s x-rays show that the animal has pulmonary edema – lots of water/fluid in the lungs. The prognosis is guarded. We are...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Nov 6, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
The past month has brought N.E.S.T. sad news from Rehab. Today’s is also sad. Brady, the little 4.1 pound Kemp’s ridley passed away during the night. There will be a necropsy later this week and, hopefully, that will reveal more information.
by Carolyn.Leopard | Nov 4, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
Wednesday, 11/2/11, Brady’s blood work came back and was bad. That, combined with his continued floating, caused Dr. Burkart and Christian to determine he needed to have a recheck at Roanoke Island Animal Clinic (RIAC). The decision on examination was he had air...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Nov 4, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
Tuesday, 11/1/11, Brady was given 5 inches of water. He was floating, but floating evenly, and seemed comfortable, lifting his head out of the water and breathing. Usually floaters are “bubble butts” (meaning the rear is higher than the head) or one side...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Nov 4, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
ID#JRO-11-10-30-1 On Sunday 10/30/11, the Brady family in Corolla found a stranded Kemp’s ridley on the beach. They called the N.E.S.T. Hotline and transported him to meet up with N.E.S.T. volunteer Jackie Orsulak. Jackie took Brady (as the little Kemp’s ridley has...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Oct 20, 2011 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
Annie, the loggerhead who arrived 10/11/11, was found expired in N.E.S.T. Rehab on Wednesday, 10/19/11 at 7:45 am by Aquarist Christian Legner. They were able to force feed her twice, administer anti-inflammatory meds, antibiotics, and fluids but due to the head/nasal...