by obi_admin | Jun 3, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents, N.E.S.T. Release
A beach release for the 4 remaining greens in the N.E.S.T./NCARI rehab facility is scheduled for Saturday, May 5, at 11 am. Parking will be available at Ramp 55 at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. One of these turtles will be released in memory of park biologist Mike...
by Carolyn.Leopard | May 3, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
04/28/12 CC-ARE-12-04-28-01 90.9 lbs. A large loggerhead was found stranded 4/28/12 on Hatteras Is. off shore, 1.1 miles north of Ramp 30 by Amy Etherington of NPS. She/he was very ematiated, had a heavy barnacle load, and greenish excrement from the cloaca....
by Carolyn.Leopard | Apr 27, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
While we have been monitoring the warming of local ocean water so we can have a beach release for Fanny and Frankie, Rehab has welcomed 2 healthy juvenile greens from Pine Knoll Shores Acquarium on 4/17/12. Here is their information: Bobby B CM MHG 12-02-12-01 A...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Apr 2, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
4/1/12 Fanny (top photo) and Frankie (lower photo) are making good progress. On 3/23/12 Fanny at 29.26 lbs. showed a gain of 1.98 lbs. since 2/27/12. Little Frankie at 7.48 lbs was almost the same weight 3/23/12 as on 3/1/12. He just began eating his max in the last...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Mar 8, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
CM-WPT-12-01-17-01 “Will” Green Turtle arrived 1/17/12 7.65 lbs CM-JMG-12-01-06-01 “Autumn” Green Turtle arrived 1/6/12 5.5 lbs AUTUMN WILL 3/7/12 Yesterday late Matthew Godfrey** notified aquarist Kristin Clark that a charter boat...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Feb 21, 2012 | N.E.S.T. Rehab Residents
2/12/12 CM-FGW-12-02-12-01 Green sea turtle “Frankie” 9.1 lbs. Frankie, named in honor of Frank Welles who found him/her inshore on Sandy Bay on Hatteras Is. Lou Browning of Hatteras Island Wildlife Refuge found Frankie’s body temperature to be 44...