by KClark | Aug 31, 2014 | Emergence, Loggerhead, Southern Shores
Saturday night almost before the sun was even down, Nest #05 boiled with 59 turtles. You may be asking, “Did I miss nests 3 and 4?” The answer is no. Jonny and Barbra just like to get things done quickly I guess. The sink hole showed up on their Nest...
by KClark | Aug 18, 2014 | Duck, Emergence
Nest Sitters for Nest#02 were thrilled last night to arrive at the nest to a newly formed sink hole. Would they have to wait four nights like Nest#01 watching the sunken ground, hoping for hatchlings? Not a chance! Before nightfall the first hatchling was already...
by KClark | Sep 25, 2013 | Duck, Emergence, Loggerhead, Nest, Southern Shores
Sunday night, nest #6 sitters arrived around 6PM to find a sink hole on their nest. After much encouragement from the team throughout the evening (including flash mob hatchling dance moves, singing, and multiple cheers), the hatchlings finally came out just before...
by Karen Fitzgerald | Sep 14, 2013 | Emergence, Kemp Ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Nags Head, Nest
Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! The 2012 Adopt-a-nest program, operated through, brought in $570 in donations. Thanks to all our friends for this much needed support. It’s not too late to adopt a 2013 nest. We have 2 nests close to hatching...
by DPohl | Sep 13, 2013 | Emergence, Nags Head, Nest, Sea Turtle Update
CRAZY, just plain crazy nest 12 aka NEST LOCO 12 SNH (South Nags Head). As many of you know nest 12 in South Nags Head was found by the actions of loggers all over the beach which included little loggers under visitor’s houses and tracks all over the beach near...
by KClark | Sep 11, 2013 | Emergence, Nags Head, Nest
The hotline got a phone call just a little after 11PM from a surprised visitor who found little sea turtle hatchlings under their house in Nags Head. Thinking quickly, Charlotte called the nest sitting team for Nest #4 thinking they may still be up and near by....