by Karen Fitzgerald | Jun 14, 2014 | Loggerhead, Nags Head, Nest, Relocate Nest
N.E.S.T.’s first sea turtle nest of the season was found by ATV volunteer Tim Moore this morning in Nags Head! He was even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the mama Loggerhead leaving the beach!! After close evaluation, trained N.E.S.T. volunteers were...
by Karen Fitzgerald | May 25, 2014 | NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island, Rehab Center, Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation Center, STAR Center, Uncategorized
Still a work in progress, the Sea Turtle Assistance and Rehabilitation Center (STAR) opened its doors today, Saturday, May 24. Visitors can now see holding tanks and other infrastructure needed to help these endangered creatures recover. There will not be any sea...
by Karen Fitzgerald | May 25, 2014 | Community Outreach, Donnation, Education, Stokesdale Elementary School, Uncategorized
Volunteers Stephanie Westheiden and Louise Vance for the Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.) recently traveled to Stokesdale Elementary School near Greensboro to give an educational presentation to Ms. Kubis’ 4th grade class. At the end of the program, they...
by Karen Fitzgerald | May 18, 2014 | Donnation, Rehab Facility, Uncategorized
On April 5, N.E.S.T. and the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island (NCARI) hosted Girl Scout Troop #2043. The troop had organized a sea turtle workshop in Northern Virginia. Entry to their workshop required participants to bring Rehab items in support of our new...
by Karen Fitzgerald | Apr 22, 2014 | Fundraiser, Nags Head, NCARI Rehab Facility, Rehab Facility, Volunteer Events
NEST White Elephant Sale Saturday, May 10, 2014 Seeking Gently Used Items NEST will be holding a White Elephant Sale fundraiser on Saturday, May 10 at Nags Head Church from 8am – 1pm. If you are doing some spring cleaning (now that spring has finally arrived!), or...