2018 marked the 29th Artrageous Kids Art Festival sponsored by the Dare County NC Arts Coucil. The event is a free, family-friendly, fun event featuring kids art activities. The event was held at Dowdy Park at Nags Head, NC. The activity gave The Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.) an opportunity to provide turtle crafts and talk sea turtles with all the attendees.
Chris and George along with their trusty band of Tim, Bonney, Louise, Linda, Mary Ann and Rick provided a teriffic display to complement the craft making activities at the N.E.S.T. booth.

The N.E.S.T. booth for Artrageous with Tim and Chris ready for action.
Necklace making was a big hit with the kids (and some parents), followed by the puppets and a fair number of turtle fans were also made..

It is thought that over 200 kids of all ages stoped by the N.E.S.T. booth

Louise and Mary Ann offer many opportunities for the kids (and their parents) to make crafts.
Thanks to N.E.S.T. volunteer participation, this was a first time event that N.E.S.T. was able to be at Artrageous. A big saltue to the NESTers willing to help with the event.

George talks turtle to a group of interested attendees.

Chris lets kids and parents alike know they are welcome to make crafts.
It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words and the pictures provide an idea of the good things involvng N.E.S.T. at Artrageous.

A fun time was had by all!!
Thanks to Bonney and Chris for providing the pictures and a thank you to some of the dedicated N.E.S.T. volunteers for their efforts.