by MJanes | May 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
One person can make a difference and everyone should try.” John F. Kennedy It all started with one woman who made it her mission to ensure that endangered sea turtles received appropriate care. In so doing, she enlisted the help of the entire community, creating a...
by MJanes | May 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Artrageous was outrageous!! A team of N.E.S.T, volunteers spent the day at the event sponsored by the Dare County Arts Council. They did crafts and talked turtles with several hundred children of all ages. Event organizers estimated a total attendance of 2,000. The...
by MJanes | May 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
N.E.S.T. and all our volunteers would like to thank the students, teachers, and parents of the Outer Banks Montessori Collective for their recent generous donation. This group of amazing young entrepreneurs decided to raise funds for N.E.S.T. this winter by selling...