On 8/4/2016 Nags Head ATV driver Jerry discovered what appeared to be a green sea turtle nest in Nags Head. It was confirmed to be so by (KC) Karen Clark NCWRC. Steph found the DNA egg and the nest was marked just in time for the nest responders to go to another reported nest in South Nags Head.
To adopt Nest 42, click here.
To adopt Nest #43, click here.
Nags Head ATV team driver Jerry finds another nest in South Nags Head on the same day. The response team scurries to the location to find a nest close to the tide lines. After telephone consultation from Karen Clark (KC) NCWRC the go ahead was given to relocate the nest. Steph finds her second egg of the day.
In short order the task was completed with the help from many young future N.E.S.T.ers and our appreciation for their help.