To adopt this nest, visit and select ID no. 145228.
IT HAD TO HAPPEN and today it finally did in in the early a.m. in Southern Shores. Duck ATV route drive Johnny Springfield discovered a sea turtle crawl in Southern Shores and immediately called in his find to the NEST hotline. Sure enough just a short time later NCWRC Karen Clark put out the call to the sea turtle nest response team.
It had been some time since a mama sea turtle has called on Southern Shores to lay her nest and some responders had to consult a map for site location
The responders were there in a flash and immediately began the dig for the DNA egg. After many holes in the sand there began talk of perhaps a false crawl, but Doc Margaret with her magic powers found the egg chamber.
The efficient and effective response team quickly took the required measurements and proceeded to make which they considered the most colorful and “pretty” nest of the season.

Sea turtle Science adviser Benji sends his regrets to nest 9 because he is still recovering from nest 7 and 8

The team with nine fingers raised high in competition for the best dressed sea turtle nest for the 2016 season
There is a friendly rivalry between the 5 N.E.S.T. ATV route drivers as to which route will find the most sea turtle nests and the Southern Shores find brings the Duck route to two to be tied with four of the other designated ATV routes.