by Niko | Jul 14, 2012 | Donnation, Fundraiser
Thanks to the generosity of Village Realty, N.E.S.T. (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) will be holding a Seafood Fundraiser on Thursday, July 26 2012 at Currituck Heritage Park in Corolla from 4- 8pm. North Carolina Seafood Platters from Steamer’s Shellfish...
by KClark | Jul 14, 2012 | Corolla, Nest
It’s official. We have tied with last year’s record-making year of 18 nests and we still have more season ahead of us! The Stalter’s normally cover the Friday run but they had to go out of town this week. Lucky for Karen, because she volunteered to...
by Carolyn.Leopard | Jul 14, 2012 | Uncategorized
CC-ALF-12-06-06-01 Loggerhead 44 lb. 7/5/12 Fitzy was transported to RIAC (Roanoke Island Animal Clinic) for xrays to be taken periodically after she/he ingested barium. Fitzy managed to spit the barium up, thus preventing the xrays. 7/11/12 Aquarist Christian...