Network for Endangered Sea Turtles 24 HR. HOTLINE 252-441-8622

The cautious placement and teamwork putting eggs in their nest!

Wellllllllll town Duck has quacked again with nest 8. What was initially thought as a false crawl, was anything but. After a review by Duckster Jackie O, she was joined by quacker Louise and with a nod of their feathers it was agreed to be worth a dig. Jackie O flagged and marked the area that was thought to be most productive and the dig began. After no more than 6-7 minutes Louie exclaimed she found IT!

The (somewhat smaller) Nesting Response Team for Nest #08!


Before the dig after conferring with Duckster KC it was determined that a relocation was necessary. The Quack team of Jackie O and Louie dug a new nest closer to the dune and the relocation of 113 (one for DNA) proceeded. The nest was marked and patted with care (no wonder everyone thinks those folks from town Quack are strange) and Jackie O and Louise with smug faces retreated from the beach.

Courtesy of our OUTSTANDING volunteer, Dennis!